Maribor Puppet Theatre
Lutkovno gledališče Maribor
Vojašniški trg 2
SI-2000 Maribor
Lutkovno gledališče Maribor je repertoarno lutkovno gledališče, ki uprizarja predvsem nova dela iz sodobne slovenske otroške in mladinske literature.
"_id": "",
"csi:Map": [
"csi:Logo": [
"File:Maribor Puppet Theatre 2019 (logo).svg"
"csi:Town": [
"SI-2000 Maribor"
"rdf:type": [
"Articles maintained by Katja Kosi",
"Festival organisers",
"Municipal cultural institutions",
"Public entities",
"Puppetry festival and event organisers",
"Puppetry festival organisers",
"Theatre & Dance",
"Theatre festival and event organisers",
"Theatre festival organisers",
"Theatre groups",
"Theatre houses",
"Theatre venues",
"Updated 2017",
"Updated 2020",
"foaf:name": [
"Lutkovno gledališče Maribor"
"csi:Region": [
"foaf:phone": [
"+386 / 2 228 1979"
"rdfs:label": [
"Maribor Puppet Theatre"
"swivt:page": [
"csi:Contact": [
"Lutkovno gledališče Maribor"
"csi:Country": [
"About Slovenia"
"csi:Page_ID": 2113,
"vcard:email": [
"csi:Category": [
"Festival organisers",
"Municipal cultural institutions",
"Public entities",
"Puppetry festival and event organisers",
"Puppetry festival organisers",
"Theatre & Dance",
"Theatre festival and event organisers",
"Theatre festival organisers",
"Theatre groups",
"Theatre houses",
"Theatre venues",
"csi:Logo_url": [
"csi:TownName": [
"csi:Has_query": [
"csi:TeaserImg": [
"File:Maribor Puppet Theatre 2010 Exterior Photo Bostjan Lah.jpg"
"foaf:homepage": [
"ical:location": "Lutkovno gledališče Maribor",
"csi:Founded_by": [
"Municipality of Maribor"
"csi:TeaserText": [
"Established in 1974, the 22-member Maribor Puppet Theatre is a repertory theatre, staging mainly new works from contemporary Slovene children's and youth literature."
"csi:Teaser_slo": [
"Lutkovno gledališče Maribor je repertoarno lutkovno gledališče, ki uprizarja predvsem nova dela iz sodobne slovenske otroške in mladinske literature."
"dc:description": [
"Established in 1974, the 22-member [[Maribor Puppet Theatre]] is a repertory theatre, staging mainly new works from contemporary Slovene children's and youth literature."
"vcard:latitude": [
"vcard:locality": [
"SI-2000 Maribor"
"csi:Established": [
"csi:Revision_ID": 330918,
"vcard:longitude": [
"csi:Category_slo": [
"Javne entitete",
"csi:Page_creator": [
"rdfs:isDefinedBy": [
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"vcard:postal-code": [
"csi:Youtube_account": [
"swivt:wikiNamespace": [
"csi:Facebook_account": [
"vcard:street-address": [
"Vojašniški trg 2"
"csi:Instagram_account": [
"swivt:wikiPageSortKey": [
"Maribor Puppet Theatre"
"csi:Related_localnames": [
"Bienale slovenskih lutkarjev",
"Društvo za razvoj filmske kulture",
"Enimation, mednarodni festival otroškega in mladinskega filma",
"Letni kino Minoriti",
"Minoritska cerkev",
"Poletni lutkovni pristan - mednarodni lutkovni festival, Maribor"
"csi:Number_of_revisions": [
"csi:Founded_by_localname": [
"Mestna občina Maribor"
"csi:Modification_date-23aux": [
"swivt:wikiPageContentLanguage": [
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